Become a sponsor of the Nanticoke Creekwatchers!
If you are a local business, organization or individual passionate about the Nanticoke River, consider making a sponsorship donation in support of our program!
Nanticoke Creekwatchers is a citizen-science volunteer water monitoring program that helps to assess the overall health and quality of the Nanticoke River so that we may better protect it. Our EPA-approved Creekwatchers program provides us with data for the Nanticoke River Report Card, an annual assessment that, in its first year of production, identified the Nanticoke River as the healthiest major tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. Since 2007, our program has recruited, trained, and transformed over 76 Delmarva citizens into dedicated and enthusiastic river advocates that monitor 38 designated sites throughout the entire watershed. Data from each season helps us to understand the present quality of the river, and over time allows us to identify potential trends that guide our conservation and restoration efforts. We invite you to share in our enthusiasm for the natural, cultural, and recreational resources of the Nanticoke Watershed and help protect one of the most pristine rivers of the Chesapeake Bay. Your sponsorship will help sustain one of the Alliance’s first major milestone programs, an effort that has been extremely successful and serves as a model for many other watershed groups and volunteer programs. You can read all about the Nanticoke Creekwatchers by clicking here or by watching the video below.
Funds will go toward purchasing and maintaining:
- Volunteer Kits include dissolved oxygen meters , secchi disks (water clarity), refractometers (salinity), and other supporting materials at a total value of $1,000 per kit
- Production and distribution of the Nanticoke River Report Card
- Recognition gifts and value-added enrichment opportunities for volunteers, partners, and the community
Founded in 1992, the Alliance continues to bridge the gap between local and state government entities, watermen, farmers, tourism and transportation officials, cultural historians, local businesses, environmental advocacy groups, and concerned citizens in 2 states and 5 counties to come together and support our mission to conserve the natural, cultural, and recreational resources of the Nanticoke River watershed and protect its unique characteristics. As our organization has been growing and expanding in the past year, so has the capacity to take on new programs, projects, and partnerships. We are extremely excited and enthusiastic about making a difference in our community, but we have a critical need for sustained support of these efforts. Contact the Nanticoke Watershed Alliance to become a sponsor today!