Nanticoke Watershed Alliance is always working to bring better conservation tactics to the Nanticoke River Watershed.
You can help by starting your own backyard conservation project!
Install a Rain Barrel:
Rain barrels collect stormwater from your roof for you to use later to water your lawn or garden. This helps reduce pollution on your property and can lower your water bill!
Plant a Rain Garden:
Rain Gardens are bowl-shaped gardens that collect stormwater and filter it slowly back into the ground. These gardens reduce pollution and erosion while making your yard look amazing! For help getting started, click here.
Construct a “Designer Ditch”:
A “Designer Ditch” is a ditch that has been strategically lined with native plants that help hold soil in place. Native plants have large root systems go much deeper than turf grass. These plants keep your ditch from caving in as well as trap pollution and reduce flooding! Your ditch can be a garden too! For help getting started, click here.
Create a Pollinator Garden:
Pollinators that are vital to local family farms. Many pollinators hibernate during the winter and need a lot of food when they wake up. Early spring flowers can be critical for the survival of pollinators. You can help critters like bumblebees, birds and hummingbirds by planting colorful native plants that flower all year!