2025 Nanticoke Creekwatchers Training
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Nanticoke Watershed Alliance Conwell Street Green Infrastructure Engineered Designs DUE: Friday January 24, 2025 Request for Proposals Background Information The mission, goals, and objectives of the Nanticoke Watershed Alliance (NWA) are developed by consensus with our partnership. The Alliance includes partners from Maryland and Delaware, including representatives from industry, agriculture, environment, business, community,…
Olivia’s Journey through the Nanticoke River is a children’s activity book created by the Nanticoke Watershed Alliance and illustrated by Frank McShane. The booklet can be found here: OliviasJourney_ColorFinal_ALLpages_FFF-1-2 The answer key to the activities can be found here: ANSWER KEY_OliviasJourney_forWEBSITE
Thank you for joining us at the Safe Septic Workshop 2024! Please email Caroline Kurtz at carolinekurtz@nanticokeriver.org with any questions.Fill out my LGL Form!
Thanks to everyone who came out for our Native Plants and Trees for the Butterflies, Birds, and Bees at the Laurel Public Library on Saturday, April 27. We’ll update this page when we hold our next pollinator workshop or have native plants available for purchase. Please follow us on social media (Facebook or Instagram)…
The Nanticoke Creekwatchers Program completed its first 15 years of water quality monitoring in 2022. Nanticoke Watershed Alliance has examined that data, which you can now check out in our Fifteen Year Report Card. Thanks, as always, to all of our Nanticoke Creekwatcher community scientists, former staff members who assisted with the program, the…
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Come enjoy an easygoing evening with your friends at Nanticoke Watershed Alliance… Live music by Fog After Midnight, hayrides, excellent local food and wine, yard games, silent auction, and great company! Early registration is now closed… You can still join us! Admission is $70 at the door. There’s still time to be a…
Thanks for coming out on Spaturday, June 3rd from 10-12 to meet Spatrick, the baby oyster we’ve been following this season! We talked about easy landscaping ideas to help you support Nanticoke River life and made an oyster shell craft. Everyone got a free salt-tolerant shrub and a local resource guide!